Where do i stand now?
So what now? Am I cured? Am I better? Yes and no. When I started this blog, I talked about my freshman year a lot and what I have done since then to get better eating habits to avoid not eating. It goes in waves though. As mentioned before, my food problems go hand in hand with my anxiety. My anxiety lives in my stomach. I get anxious and I feel nauseous and like I can’t eat. My throat tightens and if I try to eat food it is hard to swallow. Freshmen year was really bad and I lost a lot of weight. My anxiety came back this semester in full force. I noticed signs of it at the end of last semester and played around with the idea of going on anxiety meds. It is my senior year and I knew the second semester would be more stressful. I wanted to have fun and not fall behind. Over winter break, I got put on as-needed meds. They were to be taken if I was going to have any panic episodes. They were not met for daily use. However, the beginning of this semester hit me like a truck and my a...