My food obsessions

 I go through phases where I love a certain food. I crave it almost every day and I know it will be easy to eat and that I will like it. This can last for weeks or months. And then one day I just stopped craving it. I go to eat it and it’s just okay. It is no longer this amazing meal. It is just food again.

This happened to me with bagels. I was obsessed with bagels last semester. It was my go-to thing to eat if I was hungry and did not know what to make. It was easy and I knew that it would satisfy any cravings or hunger. I currently have bagels that are sitting in my fridge and when I think about eating them it is not as satisfying anymore. They’re just bagels now.

I can feel a new food obsession coming into my life currently. Right now whenever I feel a food craving it is usually for something sweet. My go-to is Nutella toast with sliced banana. It’s easy and it satisfies my cravings. 

I feel like I am constantly going through comfort foods and losing a comfort food can be stressful. If I do not have something simple that I want to eat that I know is easy, it makes my anxiety go up. I now have to find a new food that is easy and simple.

This can be stressful because how do I know this is easy to eat? How do I know that I will like it? I have never been picky but if I’m not craving a food or really into it, it does not taste as good. It gets boring. I want my food to be exciting. I want to like my food.

I am currently in between favorite foods right now. People will suggest things to eat and my brain goes, “That sounds good I guess.” To combat this, I have been trying to cook more of my food.

I have found that if I am cooking, I get more excited to eat it. I have put effort and work into cooking. I know exactly what is in my food and I can make it easier for me to eat. It brings back a sense of control, lowering my stress about eating.


  1. I also sometimes go through phases where I love a certain food and eat it almost everyday for a few weeks at a time. I recently went through an avocado toast phase and now it just doesn't taste as good anymore:( Might have to try eating Nutella toast with banana, so thanks for the idea!


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