carrot juice is a weird concept

 Carrot juice is a weird concept that I grew up drinking. Growing up my grandma took me to the Polish deli weekly. We always got fresh buns, carrot juice, pierogies, and candy. You’re probably wondering what child liked carrot juice. Let me explain. The Polish deli is filled with a lot of interesting snacks and drinks.

My grandma would get us this mixed carrot juice or apple juice. They were in plastic bottles with a water bottle nozzle that could close. They had characters on them too. I remember the flavors as carrot and mango and then carrot and apple. The apple ones were apple and peach and other mixtures that I can’t quite remember. Now I know you might be thinking, Hallie that’s weird combos. However, it makes so much sense to me. I grew up with this. And don’t knock it till you try it cause it tastes super good.

Another drink that we would get was Lemonade. Now it wasn’t regular Lemonade. It was fizzy. It was a lemon soda. It was almost like Sprite but a bit more tart. I really didn't think anything of this until I studied abroad this j-term. In London, they did not have regular lemonade either. Their lemonade was also fizzy. I really never thought about how the Polish lemonade might just be a European lemonade so it was cool to get perspective.

Another thing I was allowed to pick out at the Polish deli was a candy. There are these Polo bars. They are chocolate wafer bars. They are similar to a kit kat but there are more wafers and they are skinner wafers. They come in a lot of different chocolate flavors like milk, dark, hazelnut, and more. I always go for hazelnut. There are also E. Wdal bars. It is just a regular chocolate bar. However, I will take this over Hershy any day. The chocolate is just so much more creamier and does not have the weird Hershy aftertaste. There’s also Krowi. It is a Polish milk fudge. I love the packaging because it is yellow and has cute cows on it. 

I think my favorite candy to get when I was younger was a lollipop. They were right up by the checkout line and were adorable. They were flat. Still circular but not a globe. It was a circle lollipop. They each had a stamp on them. The stamps were different fruits and that is how you can tell the flavor. I loved them for the little illustrations.

The Polish deli was always an adventure and I loved every second of it.


  1. I know exactly what fizzy lemonade drink youre talking about! its my fav to this day and my mom looooooves krowki too

  2. I had carrot juice as a kid, and it can't be real. Carrot juice is just water, right? Carrot juice tastes way too sweet to be actually from a carrot. It might have been something like a v8 instead of actually carrot juice.

  3. I always heard my grandmother telling my older sister to take carrot juice but I never got into it when I was a child it always disgusted me a bit. However, I will admit that whenever my parents would get me a drink like carrot juice but it will come in a cool packaging with stamps like you mentioned it will always sway my opinion about drinking it or not.


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